Jesus Christ Coloring Pages for Kids
Free Printable Jesus Christ Coloring Pages for Kids. You can download or print “Religious Coloring Pages” for free at ColorinGoo.Com.
The teachings of Jesus, or Jesus Christ, are the basis of Christianity. Christians believe that Jesus was the Messiah—a savior sent to deliver people from sin. The word Christ comes from Khristos, the Greek word for Messiah. Nearly everything known about Jesus comes from the Bible, in the four books of the New Testament known as the Gospels. According to the Bible, the angel Gabriel visited a woman named Mary and told her she would give birth to the Son of God. Her son, Jesus, was born in about 6 bce in Bethlehem, a city in the Middle Eastern region of Palestine. Mary and her husband, Joseph, were from Nazareth, and that is where Jesus grew up. (Britannica)