Beauty and The Beast Garderobe Coloring Page


Beauty and The Beast Garderobe Coloring Page

Wardrobe, or better known as Madame Garderobe, is the opera singer of the castle and Cadenza’s wife, who was cursed into a wardrobe. She is voiced by Audra McDonald. Wardrobe, named Gardrobe, appears in the 2017 live-action remake, both voiced and portrayed by Audra McDonald. Here, she is an opera singer for the ball during the film’s prologue. Her husband, Cadenza, plays the piano. When the Enchantress places her spell upon the castle, Gardrobe is transformed into a wardrobe, and is separated from her husband, who was transformed into a harpsichord.

beauty and the beast garderobe coloring page
beauty and the beast garderobe coloring page