Bat Coloring Pages
11 Brand New Bat Coloring Pages – Free to Print and Color

Free Printable Bat Coloring Pages
Bats are the only mammals that can truly fly. Sometimes people mistake bats for birds. But bats are more closely related to other mammals—including humans—than they are to birds. And bats do not have feathers.
There are about 900 species, or types, of bat. Bats are found worldwide, especially in the tropics. They usually rest in dark places such as caves, hollow trees, or attics. But some bats rest on trees or rocks.
Bats have fur that is usually gray, tan, brown, or black. They vary greatly in size, depending on the species. Their wings can measure from 6 inches (15 centimeters) to 5 feet (1.5 meters) across when spread open. Their ears point forward and are usually very large.
The wings consist of thin layers of bare skin. They stretch from the long arms down to the legs. This thin skin also joins the long fingers together.
Most kinds of bat live in large groups. Nearly all bats rest during the day. They hang upside down by their feet while sleeping.
Most bats eat flying insects. Some kinds eat small animals such as birds, frogs, mice, and fish. Other kinds eat fruit or the pollen and nectar from flowers. The vampire bats of South and Central America feed on the blood of mammals and large birds.
While flying, most bats send out a cry. This cry is so high-pitched that people cannot hear it. animalsThe sounds bounce off objects and echo back to the bat. The bat can figure out the distance and size of the objects based on the returning sounds. Bats use this information to avoid flying into objects in their paths and also to find insects to eat.