LOL Surprise Risingstars CA Earthbb Coloring Page

LOL Surprise Risingstars CA Earthbb Coloring Page

L.O.L. Surprise! Rising Stars features dolls that are inspired by different career paths, such as doctors, scientists, athletes, and musicians. Each doll comes with its own unique accessories and outfit that reflects their chosen profession, as well as a collectible card with information about their interests and goals.

The Rising Stars line also includes a “Glamper,” which is a playset that can be transformed into a vehicle for the dolls to travel in. The Glamper features over 55 surprises and can be customized with different accessories and decals.

L.O.L. Surprise! Rising Stars aims to inspire children to dream big and pursue their passions, while also encouraging them to learn more about different careers and fields of study. It’s a great addition to the L.O.L. Surprise! family of toys and collectibles, and has been well-received by fans of the brand.